Our Approach to the COVID-19 Virus

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We have completed an online course ‘COVID-19 – Holiday Let Cleaning’ and written a risk assessment relating to the COVID-19 Virus.

We have given ourselves more time to clean when people leave by asking guests to leave by 9 am and new guests not to arrive before 5pm. This gives us plenty of time to ensure the cottage is thoroughly cleaned, disinfected and aired in line with health and safety.

We enter the cottage to clean with plastic shoes which are sprayed with a level 5 disinfectant before entering, this is because most virus and bacteria enter the property on our shoes. Once we have entered we clean each room separately with clean cloths for each room which are colour coded along with colour coded gloves, to ensure that there is no cross contamination. Aprons and disposable shoes are changed between each room.

Guests are asked when they leave to strip the beds and put all bedding, mattress and pillow protectors, bathrobes and towels in a black sack that is provided. We then wash all this on a 60 degree wash and tumble dry and iron to ensure all virus and bacteria are destroyed.

All rooms are thoroughly cleaned and then disinfected. We begin our cleaning furthest from the door to ensure that we do not walk back over areas that have been cleaned. Windows are opened in all rooms to allow the rooms to be aired. All books, games and maps are rotated between guests to ensure they are clean. All cutlery, crockery, kitchen ware and glasses are washed through the dishwasher at a high temperature before putting back in cupboards and drawers.

A welcome hamper is left for visitors but if you would prefer not to have this in the cottage on arrival this can be arranges. We will meet you on arrival ensuring social distancing, if you would prefer us not to meet you and to just leave the key in the door please let us know by text or phone call.

We take our responsibility and duty of care to our visitors very seriously and are taking all necessary precautions to reduce the risk of the virus being spread from one group of guests to another. If you have any questions about our processes, please do get in touch.

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